Life Update

Well, hello there! Long time, no see!

Gosh, I cannot believe it has been exactly 9 months since my last blog post! I have very good reason as to why I was MIA for the last 9 months. It’s definitely not what you are thinking, given that it has been 9 months! Haha!

2015 was a pretty great year for me because I got married to my one and only in December and so I was busy planning a wedding, shopping for the wedding and tackling all the craziness that comes with a BIG INDIAN WEDDING!

Happy to report, our wedding day was just perfect and it’s great being married to my best friend! I still need to get used to being called a Mrs though! Also, figuring out what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner takes a lot more time than usual!

I have missed blogging and I cannot to write about EVERYTHING! 😀 I have some great blog posts coming up so do look out for them!


PS. Choosing a single wedding picture is hard because it is really hard to choose the best one, so here is a candid one from our pre-wedding shoot which I love very much!

Basil & Tinu

Love: Ankle Boots [Deichmann ft. Hanneli Mustaparta Edition]

There is a word that gets me every time when it comes to shopping. There is nothing extraordinary about this word, it a 5 letter word which makes my feet very happy. I have a feeling you might have already guessed what the word is by now (or not, the title of the blog post gives most of it away!).


Simple as that.  I mean there isn’t any other 5 letter word that would make feet happy, right? 😉

As soon as I heard that Deichmann was collaborating with the fashionable blogger Hanneli Mustaparta on a capsule collection for AW15, it’s safe to say I was excited! The collection features 10 chic styles perfect for this autumn season. This collection has something for everyone, whether you are still in school or if you are out working full time, this collection has got your back. The Slip on Casual Skate Shoes is perfect for those casual days and the sparkly Court Shoes is the ideal accessory to vamp up any outfit for the upcoming party season.

Deichmann ft. Hanneli Mustaparta Edition
Deichmann ft. Hanneli Mustaparta Edition

[Deichmann ft. Hanneli Mustaparta Edition]
Deichmann ft. Hanneli Mustaparta Edition
I have a special love towards ankle boots and these boots give me no reason not to love them. Just look at them! Let me first start off by acknowledging how much my feet are thankful for these boots. Why, you wonder? Well, heels and I don’t see eye to eye. They mostly go out of their way to try and hurt me (not intentionally, of course!) whenever I give them a chance. I’m still learning and training myself to walk in heels. I’ll be honest; I was a little nervous about the heel height which was 6.3cm but, once I wore them and walked around with them, I had nothing to be nervous about. If you love heels and ankle boots, you are in for a treat with a very affordable price tag of £24.99.

Ankle Boots [Deichmann ft. Hanneli Mustaparta Edition]
Ankle Boots [Deichmann ft. Hanneli Mustaparta Edition]
Ankle Boots [Deichmann ft. Hanneli Mustaparta Edition]
Ankle Boots [Deichmann ft. Hanneli Mustaparta Edition]
Here is an outfit featuring these cute booties. How would you rate it out of 10?

Outfit Details ft. Ankle Boots
Outfit Details ft. Ankle Boots

You can shop the entire collection here!


A special thank you to Deichmann for kindly sending me these adorable ankle boots!

Thank You 🌹

Elated, surprised and (very) grateful. These words accurately describe my emotions as I’m writing this blog post. I started this blog (with Tinu) 7 months ago as an outlet to rekindle my creative side as I spent weekdays at my desk coding away or in very important meetings. Also, my younger sister nudged me to just do it and for once I listened to her. It was the best thing I did! I am genuinely blown away by the support and positive response I have had from every corner of the world. This is mind-blowing! One thing was for sure, I was not expecting any of it!  This has motivated me to keep consistent and produce quality blog posts to you, my lovely readers!

The picture below perfectly captures how I’m feeling right now (#fbf to the time I had long hair!).

Thank you! :)
Thank you! 🙂

This blog post is really in essence, a long-winded way of saying Thank You to each and every one of you who has supported me in any way.

I would like to end this blog post with this quote from a brilliant movie, PS I Love you.

Holly Kennedy: “All I know is, if you don’t figure out this something, you’ll just stay ordinary, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a work of art, or a taco, or a pair of socks! Just create something… new, and there it is, and it’s you, out in the world, outside of you, and you can look at it, or hear it, or read it, or feel it… and you know a little more about… you. A little bit more than anyone else does… Does that make any sense at all?”

Hope this encourages any one of you to create something that is totally You with your stamp on it for the world to see 🙂

Thanks guys!

Much Love

Purchase of the Month [JUN] – Shoes [JustFab]

Shoes. This is my second favourite ‘S’ word after shopping of course! I’m always on the lookout for good quality, reasonably priced and fashion forward shoes that adds a little ‘je ne sais quoi’ to an everyday outfit. A few weeks back, my quest to find some work appropriate shoes began. I could have easily gone and got myself some nice black heels but, heels and I are not really the best of friends (we are still trying to get to know each other), so the other alternative are flat shoes. After having a quick a browse through some of my favourite shops like H&M, New Look, ASOS, Misguided and Boohoo, I was left disappointed. I did not find any shoes that my feet lusted over. When I was on the verge of finally giving up, I was reminded of an online shop I subscribed a few months back – JustFab.

JustFab sells designer quality items (from shoes, clothing to accessories) and guess what, all items are priced at £35! Yes, you read it right. £35 only! (Click here to find out more about how JustFab works). As soon as I started browsing through the pages, I instantly started adding my favourites into the ‘My Wishlist’ basket and a couple a minutes later the basket had over 10 items! I had previously decided on a budget of spending only £35 and only intended to get one pair of shoes. However being spoilt for choices, I was struggling to make up my mind. This was when I discovered something exciting! As this was my first time of buying something from JustFab, I was able to make use of an offer which was, BUY 1, GET 1 FREE! I couldn’t believe it! This offer was applied to any shoe that I picked for total cost of £35 + Free Delivery! Buying two pairs of shoes for £35, I was over the moon!

To be completely honest, I was hesitant to put the order in as I was not sure about the quality and also the sizing of the shoes. Nevertheless I took the risk, ordered it and received it swiftly.

Friends, meet the recent additions to my shoe family!

Purchase of the Month - Shoes from JustFab
Purchase of the Month – Shoes from JustFab

Let’s meet Natalee. A luxurious-loafer styled shoe that definitely makes a bold statement and can also turn a few heads. Wearing this shoe is definitely a confident booster as I feel empowered and bold (never knew a shoe would make me feel such things!). This shoe may not be everyone’s cup of tea but I have got plenty of compliments which were always nice to hear! Next, let’s talk comfort. I had a difficult time breaking this shoe but once getting past that, comfort level is 7/10. I tend to pair these with tailored cigarette trousers and a simple a blouse.

Purchase of the Month - Shoes from JustFab
Purchase of the Month – Shoes from JustFab
Purchase of the Month - Shoes from JustFab
Purchase of the Month – Shoes from JustFab

This is Rodgie. Edgy, sophisticated and chic ballet flats which my feet love at the moment. They are super chic and comfort level is definitely 9/10! The spikes and studs on the shoes give it that extra oomph and make any outfit stand out. These shoes are perfect for those night outs if you don’t want to wear high heels but still want to glam it up.

Purchase of the Month - Shoes from JustFab
Purchase of the Month – Shoes from JustFab
Purchase of the Month - Shoes from JustFab
Purchase of the Month – Shoes from JustFab

What do you guys think about these shoes? Do you like Natalee or Rodgie or both? Let me know your thoughts through comments below! 🙂

PS. I did not choose the name of the shoes. They already came with their names which I’ve decided to keep it! 😛

Product Praise ft. The Body Shop [Facial Brush with Lid]

I have been longing to buy the Clarisonic cleansing system for the longest time, but sadly the price tag that comes along with it is too hefty for my liking (ranges from £125 – £155). Due to this reason, I have been on the lookout for a similar gadget that doesn’t come with a heart wrenching price tag. My sad tale continued because, even the products that were similar in size, shape and performance was considerably too expensive for my liking.  So, for a while I gave up this quest to find one until, I stumbled across the Facial Brush from Body Shop. I remember reading great reviews from the world of blogosphere and decided to give it a try. Additionally, Body Shop offered a 40% discount which I couldn’t resist and had to put an order! I justified this purchase because I was able save quite a bit of money from the 40% discount. Ka-ching! 🙂

Product Praise ft. The Body Shop [Facial Brush with Lid]
Product Praise ft. The Body Shop [Facial Brush with Lid]

Initially I was surprised by how small the brush is, because on the website it looked to be of a decent size. Nevertheless, this did not put me off and I remained positive to give it go. Honestly, I was quite amazed by how effective this little gadget turned out to be. The size on this occasion was not a problem for me. No pun intended! I use it as part of my morning skincare routine along with the Seaweed Deep Cleansing Facial Wash. It literally scrubs away the entire gunk from the skin and reveals a smoother and fresher skin. The bristles are quite soft and the main benefit of this is that I can control how gentle or hard I would like to scrub my face.

Additionally, the facial brush comes with a handy lid which is perfect as it can be stored away cleanly and safely. It is also very handy to take on holidays and it is fuss free! The full price of this gadget is £4 and it is definitely money well spent! I’m glad I didn’t jump the gun and get myself a Clarisonic or a Foreo LUNA™ mini skincare device. If you are looking for a great exfoliant tool without spending shed loads of money, this Facial Brush from Body Shop is the one.

Product Praise ft. The Body Shop [Facial Brush with Lid]
Product Praise ft. The Body Shop [Facial Brush with Lid]

Have you used the Facial Brush before? What are your thoughts? Do you use any other budget gadgets to get your skin exfoliated? Let me know in the comments below!

Get Your Summer Glow On!

Clear blue skies, long lazy evenings and flip-flops! Summer is just around the corner and I’m already excited. Here in the UK we haven’t seen a lot of sunshine, so I’m very much looking forward to those days where you are in your garden and soaking up all that Vitamin D! #summerloving Today’s blog post I would like to share with you some easy tips and healthy recipes that could benefit you to achieve that perfect summer glow (on a budget, of course!). Let start off with something easy:

  • Face Masks

They are pretty great. I am definitely a face mask advocate! Now, we could easily spend a £1 or even £10 for a face mask because it’s easy, less hassle and maybe because they had great reviews! However, we are not going down this route! You could easily whip up a face mask using ingredients from your kitchen cupboard! Once we start foraging through our cupboards you can actually start to see some that some ingredients on their own can be excellent face masks. I could go on and on about the various ingredients you could use for a face mask but, I’d like to tell you of 2 items that I use on a regular basis as a face mask. Potatoes and Tomatoes. Surprised? I bet some of you might be! I have been using these ingredients as my face mask ever since my grandma suggested! Although it didn’t quite make sense why my grandma insisted on using these, a quick Google search answered my questions. Tomatoes: It contains high amount of Vitamin C which is known to brighten skin. The high acidic content in tomatoes helps to treat rashes and acne. Just cut one tomato in half and gently run them against your skin. Sit back and let the tomato juice works its magic on your skin! Don’t forget to rinse after 20 minutes!

Face Mask: Tomatoes!
Face Mask: Tomatoes!

Potatoes: They have a high content of carbohydrates and vitamin C and are a natural under eye brightener. Applying potato juice or potatoes directly on the affected area can banish dark eye rings. The juice also helps in the treatment of dark spots and blemishes.

Face Mask: Potatoes!
Face Mask: Potatoes!
  • Superfoods: Almonds

The ultimate superfood! Almonds have been a part of my diet for over a year now and they have done wonders to my skin and health too! Why are they super? I’ll tell you… These little nuts are very rich and a good source of Potassium, Calcium, Vitamin E, Magnesium, Phosphorous, and Iron. I soak almonds the night before, peel and eat them first thing in the morning. Doing this on a regular, every day basis, has most definitely improved the health of my skin. Soaked almonds can help you get your glow back and improve your skin tone by repairing the damaged skin tissues internally and helps in the formation of new cells. However, I’m sorry to those of you who are allergic to them. Blueberries are a perfect alternative and a handful of them everyday can do wonders!

Superfood: Almonds!
Superfood: Almonds!
  • Healthy Recipes ft. ALOHA

I’m not a very good cook. Living with my parents, my mum makes the most delicious home-cooked food which is a perfectly acceptable reason for me to not cook at all! However after exploring the recipe page from ALOHA, I feel as though I can rise to challenge of cooking something appetizing. My eye caught this recipe: Chicken (or Tofu!) Tacos with Superfood Mole Sauce. Why? It’s simple – Chicken! I need not say more! I am looking forward to cooking this very soon! For all my vegetarian readers, do not fear! They also offer some great veggie recipes too! Like this one: Nut + Seed Veggie Burgers Do feel free to head to their website for more inspiration: ALOHA I really hope you enjoyed reading this post and hoping the tips I shared with you helps you to get your summer glow on! ❤

Purchase of the Month [APR] – LONG SLEEVE WRAP FRONT STRIPE BLOUSE (Misguided)

We are in the month of May and here I am blogging about April’s Purchase of the Month! My apologies! April was a busy month as work took over my life…and I think I just about got it under control! However my lovely readers, you have no idea how worryingly obsessed I have become with one item that I bought in the month of April.

I have been accumulating clothes for the spring season and this blouse I bought in April gets the first prize. Although the blouse does not shout SPRING, it is very lightweight and looks extremely chic when worn. Before I start praising about this blouse, I definitely need to tell you about Misguided – online shop from where I bought this blouse. Misguided provides on-trend, edgy and chic fashion which is affordable and to top things off, they offer student discount for students in the UK.

This season, I have noticed that Stripes are everywhere! Most of well-known high street shops like Topshop, River Island, and H&M have their rails stocked with clothing items that have stripes incorporated to them. I am not complaining at all, I love it!

All you stripe lovers, let me know if you are one by commenting below with #stripelove!

Back to the blog post, where was I? Oh yes, the Misguided blouse! Since, I’m working full time; I always look out for formal clothing that can also be worn on casual days too. This top is perfect for that! This blouse is definitely a statement piece that can be paired with either a slim-leg formal trouser or even with an all-black smart pencil skirt.

Purchase of the Month: Misguided Stripe Blouse
Purchase of the Month: Misguided Stripe Blouse
Purchase of the Month: Misguided Stripe Blouse
Purchase of the Month: Misguided Stripe Blouse

Outfit Details
| blouse: Misguided |
| trousers: New Look |
| shoes: Local Botique |
| bag: Topshop |
| sunglasses: River Island |

This look can be easily transitioned into a night time outfit where I have added heels and a clutch bag to complete the outfit.

Purchase of the Month: Misguided Stripe Blouse
Purchase of the Month: Misguided Stripe Blouse
Purchase of the Month: Misguided Stripe Blouse
Purchase of the Month: Misguided Stripe Blouse

 Outfit Details
| blouse: Misguided |
| trousers: New Look |
| shoes: Gift |
| clutch: New Look|

Would you wear this look? I would love to hear your thoughts! Let me know by commenting below!

Product Praise ft. The Body Shop [Tea Tree Facial Wash]

If you have been reading any of my beauty posts, you could probably tell that I’m loyal to the products I use. This is only the case if and only if I love and adore that product. Although the whole Tea Tree range of products are wonderful, this is the one I keep repurchasing over and over and… you know the idea? 🙂


The Body Shop’s Tea Tree Facial Wash is certainly one of those products that I’m loyal to. This is one pretty amazing facial wash and you would love it instantly because of its simplicity and effectiveness you would experience right after your first attempt at using it. I stumbled across this product on their website a few years ago when I was in dire need of something that could help my acne prone skin. Reading the rave reviews, I was quick to purchase it and fall in love with this product.


Product Praise ft. The Body Shop [Tea Tree Facial Wash]
Product Praise ft. The Body Shop [Tea Tree Facial Wash]

Reasons why this product receives praise:

  • Tea Tree oil benefits
  •  Removes makeup/dirt and reveals a squeaky clean, refreshed face
  • It is a gentle yet effective face wash for my acne prone skin.
  • This product lasts for at least 2 months! (My mum and my sister is an avid fan of this face wash too and use it regularly!)
  • The product is remarkably very affordable too.

This product retails at The Body Shop for only £5 (250ml). Amazing right? So, if you are on the lookout to try something new, why not try this face wash?


I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post and I would love to hear your thoughts too!


The Good & The Bad ft. Cetaphil Moisturising Lotion

The Good

As someone who has been using topical acne medication on a daily basis, my skin dries out quite terribly. The dryness is concentrated in and around the areas where I apply the gel (cheeks and chins area). Prior to using Cetaphil, it was really an uphill battle trying to find the right type of moisturizer that helps hydrate my skin when using acne medications.

I first learnt about Cetaphil when several Beauty bloggers raved about this product. I had to jump in, try it for myself to really understand what the big fuss was all about. Well, after initially trying it out, I can say that this product was worthy for all the big fuss it generated among skincare enthusiasts.

Cetaphil Moisturising Lotion
Cetaphil Moisturising Lotion

I have been using this product for over a year and my skin has been loved it since day 1. During winter months is when I could really tell how this product works on those cold wintery days. A word of warning though, I would not recommend this product if you have an oily skin type. Due to this reason, I only use this product in the evening after I apply my acne medication before I go to bed. The next morning, I’m always woken up to soft and hydrated skin which is always wonderful!

If your skin type is dry, then this is the moisturizer for you. Your skin will surely love it. It is also a wonderful base product to be applied before applying foundation. A few things to note:

  • Very little of the product goes a long way
  • It is fragrance free and non-comedogenic (oil-free)
  • One 230ml bottle of Cetaphil lasts at least 6 months.

You can buy this product from Boots for the price of £8.99.

The Bad

All you Cetaphil lovers, you are not going to like what you are about to read. You might have heard about this or might not, but it just wouldn’t be right if I didn’t share this with you even after knowing about it.

In the past few weeks, I have read blog posts that explain how Cetaphil is not the simple and innocent moisturizer it claims to be. The blogs explain that Cetaphil uses toxic ingredients which are harmful to the skin. Surprised? Shocked? This was how I genuinely felt after I read about it. As someone who has been using it for a long time, it really made me think. Click here to read more about this. I have to say, my once positive opinion about this product has been swayed after knowing the unpleasant truth about Cetaphil.

Have you used Cetaphil Moisturizing lotion? What are your thoughts about it? Let me know by commenting below!

Purchase of the Month [MAR] – Nike Air Max Lunar1 Trainers (ASOS)

It is nearly the end of March and that can only mean one thing for me (drum roll, please!) – writing up Purchase of the Month! If you had read my previous Purchase Of the Month posts (found here, here and here), you can probably tell that there is a pattern. Have you had a quick look at those posts? What do you think?

Yes, that’s right. I love shoes. My love for them has taken over precedence when it came to writing up my Purchase of the Month posts. This month is no different. March’s Purchase of the Month is Nike Air Max Lunar1 Trainers. However, this month’s winner has a little bit of a sentimental and emotional value to it. Let me enlighten you the reason behind this.

Purchase of the Month [MAR] - Nike Air Max Lunar1 Trainers
Purchase of the Month [MAR] – Nike Air Max Lunar1 Trainers
 My dad had been wanting a new pair of trainers for the longest time. He just doesn’t have the time to go to a shop to get them as, he has been working crazy hours. He had an evening off one day but was too tired to get dressed and go out to buy it. This is the moment when I stepped in, I persuaded my dad to buy a pair online. He wasn’t thrilled about the idea as he is not much of an online shopper. However, he reluctantly agreed (which was a surprise to me!) and we sat on the couch literally shopping for a pair of trainers on ASOS. There were many contenders that dad and I had to sieve through but, in the end only one made it to the basket. When it came to the final checkout stage, I simply took out my debit card and said, “Daddy, I got this.”

Purchase of the Month [MAR] - Nike Air Max Lunar1 Trainers
Purchase of the Month [MAR] – Nike Air Max Lunar1 Trainers
 Everyday I’m thankful and blessed for the job that I have which has been keeping my bank account on a high. My dad has bought me many things – small and big and sometimes even surprised me! I was really happy that I was able to treat my dad with his new pair of trainers and it really is the best feeling in the world.

The next hurdle is waiting for the delivery and making sure the shoe fits him and it is how it looked online. Since, I have signed up to ASOS Premier customer, I get Guaranteed Next Day delivery. You can be a VIP customer too! Click here to find out how! The delivery came first thing in the morning and my dad tried it on.

Purchase of the Month [MAR] - Nike Air Max Lunar1 Trainers
Purchase of the Month [MAR] – Nike Air Max Lunar1 Trainers

He loved it. I felt relieved and glad. 

For a pair of trainers, they are indeed very stylish and my dad says that it is very comfy and undeniably lightweight. All in all, I can say that he is very pleased with his new pair of trainers.

Want to buy these pair of trainers for that special person in your life? Click here! 

Certainly this month’s Purchase of the Month has been a little different. What are your thoughts? I would love to hear from you! 🙂